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Chicago, IL, United States
Michael Carroll has been an active member of the 46th Ward community since he made historic Buena Park his home in 2004. Just seven blocks south of Uptown and three blocks north of East Lakeview, Michael lives in the center of the 46th Ward.

Uptown's homeless need a hand, not a hand out

As I was driving home tonight, all I could think of was getting some much needed sleep. I was lucky enough to find a parking spot a few blocks from my place, grabbed my bag, and headed toward my building. However, instead of walking strait from my car, to my place, and right into my warm bed, I was stopped by a man named Robert. He at first startled me. He seemed to be waiting in the shadows for me as I turned the corner onto Bittersweet. Being approached by a complete stranger at 3:00 a.m. made me flip back into work mode, something that Robert sensed immediately. I told him that he walked up to the wrong person if he was looking for some quick cash.... "No!" he said. "I just wanted to ask you a question." I told him strait off that he cannot be walking up to people that late at night, even if he was "a nice guy" looking to simply ask a few questions. He just didn't seem to understand the urgency of my words, so I repeated myself a few times to make it clear.

I came to find out that Robert had been homeless for six months, mostly living in shelters and on park benches. It unfortunately isn't that uncommon of a story in our community. Robert and I talked for a while. We talked about everything from his elderly grandmother in Wisconsin, to his childhood at 59th and Justine, even getting to his strong faith in God. I asked Robert what he wanted from me, expecting him to simply ask for some spare change. Robert replied, "I just want my life to be a little easier. I know that most people see me as some homeless criminal, but all that I really want is to get back to work and back to being somebody." I told him that he was somebody, even if he sometimes didn't believe it. Robert went on to tell me that he doesn't need a hand out, just a hand getting back on track. I don't think that I could have said it better myself Robert. Our elected officials should be working to fix the perils of homelessness through education and job development, rather than misappropriated spending and a bunch of excuses. I gave Robert my word that I would do everything in my power to see that his request becomes a reality and that every person in our community gets a voice, no matter who they are. Robert then said goodnight and headed off into the night. These are the kind of experiences that tell me I know that I am doing the right thing seeking public office. I know that I will make a difference.

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