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Chicago, IL, United States
Michael Carroll has been an active member of the 46th Ward community since he made historic Buena Park his home in 2004. Just seven blocks south of Uptown and three blocks north of East Lakeview, Michael lives in the center of the 46th Ward.

Thank you for your sacrifice

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to sit down with a World Ward II Veteran who served in the Air Force with the 458th Air Expeditionary Group out of Horsham St. Faith in 1944 and 1945. We sat for close to two hours as he told me about the incredible feats of bravery he conducted on a daily basis, yet he talked as if those feats were nothing at all, almost pedestrian in nature. "It was what I was supposed to do while I was serving out there," he told me. I look at men like this, who left their friends and families for battlefields a half a world away, and my thoughts turn to the brave men and women who are currently serving abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan, who risk their lives everyday for America. Their sacrifice is truly heroic and they deserve the respect and honor of a grateful nation. Tomorrow is Memorial Day, a day when we remember what these men and women did for our nation and what they still do for us day in, day out. My humble thanks is small, for a gift that is so large. Simply, thank you. I hope I have the ability to emulate their strength and use what they have given to me through their actions to make a difference in my own community.

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